Near PVP Square mall

Moghalrajpuram, Vijayawada

Mon - Sat: 10:00am - 09:00pm
Sun: 10:00am - 02:00pm


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What do you mean by tooth extraction?

A tooth extraction is a dental treatment in which the tooth is taken out of its socket in the jawbone. It is also referred to as dental extraction or tooth removal. Dr. Kishore Dental Care provides wisdom teeth extraction and follow immense care while doing the extraction.

When is wisdom tooth need to be extracted?
  • Severe tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Impaction

Types of extraction:

1. Easy extraction: When a tooth is above the gum line and visible in the mouth, a simple extraction is done. These teeth may normally be extracted with ease by using an elevator to loosen the tooth and forceps to extract it.
2. Extraction via surgery: When a tooth is fully lodged in the bone or lies below the gum line, surgery is required to retrieve it. There is an impact on these teeth.
Dr. Kishore Dental Care offers both type of extractions and are expert in surgical removal of teeth. We also do follow up for surgical removal cases.


Consultation: To decide on the best course of action for the extraction, your oral surgeon or dentist will assess your mouth and potentially take X-rays.
Anesthesia: To keep you relaxed and pain-free throughout the procedure, you will be given a local, sedative, or general anesthetic.
Extraction: Next, the tooth is taken out, sometimes requireing cutting through the bone and gums.

Recovery: You can have some bleeding, swelling, and discomfort following the extraction, but these can be controlled with the right attention and medication.
For more detailed information about wisdom tooth extraction get advice from our best doctors at Dr. Kishore Dental Care.